Israeli Defense Force

HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated

HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated
HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated
HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated
HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated
HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated
HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated

HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated  HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated

"Haggadat Ha'atsmaut" This Haggadah was confiscated and its copies disappeared! In preparation for Independence Day in 1952, the IDF printed about ten thousand copies of the "Independence Haggadah", which the soldiers were supposed to read at the holiday night dinner. However, the Haggadah was never read in any military camp. On the eve of Independence Day, it was shelved under the pressure of the military rabbinate and the religious parties. The author of the Haggadah, scribe Aharon Maged, learned that most of the copies were burned.

Sources and credit: The Ben-Yehuda Project: Preservation, accessibility, and exposure of Hebrew works to the general public.

HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated  HOLOCAUST ISRAEL IDF Haggadat Ha'atsmaut This Haggadah was confiscated